

We routinely haul fertiliser back to regional areas when out team are on their return runs. It is an economical way to supply farmers and it is a valuable service in its own right.

Our own expertise in grains and other commodities extends to best practice in fertiliser handling, which ensures the quality of the fertilisers we transport does not deteriorate.

And, like all our services, you can expect a responsive, flexible and professional service every step of the way.

Our Guarantee

You can rely on FM to keep your operations running smoothly. With our specialised bulk haulage services we are backed by a diverse fleet capability. This includes B Doubles, Road Trains and PBS approved vehicles that are safe and compliant.

“We wanted to be able to offer our grower network a complete service, one that's reliable, responsive and competitive."

Mandi Davies - Managing Director

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03 5024 8409